Friday March 07, 2025

Daily Silly Status is your home to over 25,000 silly facebook statuses!

Daily Silly Status has scoured the internet for the most witty statuses, silly statuses and down right funny statuses. We are pleased to now share our findings with you our Daily Silly Status readers. Enjoy our growing collection of over 25,000 silly statuses and share them with your friends and family and help bring a smile, chuckle or laugh others. Remember to check in for daily updates.

  1. Of all the bands named after handicapped jungle animals, Def Leppard is my favorite.
  2. Door bells should be made illegal in commercials. Pet owners know what I’m talking about.
  3. A dog running a hundred miles to retrieve a stick? That`s pretty far-fetched.
  4. Never , under any circumstances , take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night. O_o
  5. I hate wasting alcohol on social occasions.
  6. i don`t know what to say on your comment so i just hit "like" so you won`t be upset that ignored you.
  7. If my girl didn`t want me to wear her new Christmas thong, she shouldn`t have said she bought it "for me." Women are confusing.
  8. My wife said if this gets 100 likes, we`ll try butt stuff........ * Please DON`T like,,, her strap-on is big and scary.....
  9. I know she`s talking about rain but I don`t like hearing my mom say she got 6 inches
  10. Sometimes people come into your life and they need to stop doing that
  11. I have to stop saying "How stupid can you be?" I think people are taking it as a challenge.
  12. Technically, if you don`t cut the cake, it`s still just one slice.
  13. If the customer is always right, then why isn’t anything for free?
  14. "You`re going to love my friend. He`s hilarious." is still the best way to know you`re about to meet an annoying person.