Friday March 07, 2025

Daily Silly Status is your home to over 25,000 silly facebook statuses!

Daily Silly Status has scoured the internet for the most witty statuses, silly statuses and down right funny statuses. We are pleased to now share our findings with you our Daily Silly Status readers. Enjoy our growing collection of over 25,000 silly statuses and share them with your friends and family and help bring a smile, chuckle or laugh others. Remember to check in for daily updates.

  1. I try to avoid picking up turtles on the side of the road. Just in case they are in the middle of a race.
  2. In post apocalyptic movies everyone wears leather ... but there are no cows.
  3. Today is the day I go back to the gym. Tomorrow is when I stop telling lies.
  4. All my biological clock does, is let me know when it`s time to eat again
  5. I`m on a pepperoni pizza cleanse.
  6. Per Wikipedia, there are two kinds of scorpions. One can sting and kill you like a spider, the other can sing and rock you like a hurricane
  7. No one in my family has ever actually used the Olive Garden gift card. We just keep passing it down from generation to generation.
  8. May the bridges I burn light the path in front of me...
  9. When do you take 5 hr energy? Right when I get off work ..12am!..beer here I come!
  10. Never underestimate a woman’s ability to make anything your fault.
  11. Thank god we don`t send messages with pigeons anymore. Where would I find 200 pigeons every day?
  12. Think we could get the North Korean hackers to end "Keeping Up With The Kardashians"?
  13. You`re always ahead of schedule when it comes to disappointing me.
  14. If you have to tell us that you`ve been going to the gym, you probably need to go more often....