Saturday January 18, 2025

Daily Silly Status is your home to over 25,000 silly facebook statuses!

Daily Silly Status has scoured the internet for the most witty statuses, silly statuses and down right funny statuses. We are pleased to now share our findings with you our Daily Silly Status readers. Enjoy our growing collection of over 25,000 silly statuses and share them with your friends and family and help bring a smile, chuckle or laugh others. Remember to check in for daily updates.

  1. I wonder if angry people know about naps?
  2. Please say a prayer for my coworker. His life is so boring that he just Instagrammed his Jimmy Johns sandwich
  3. Those friends who like and at the same time unlike my statuses please you`re increasing my blood pressure!
  4. Why I stay slim? I once was forced to pay for two plane tickets, one for a person who wasn`t travelling with me. That`s why.
  5. Few things in life are more pleasurable than turning off the lights in a public bathroom while people are still inside.
  6. Give a fish some bread and he`ll eat for a day. Teach a fish to be a flying piranha and he`ll eat for a lifetime.
  7. I love facebook... It`s the only place where I can talk to a wall and not look like an idiot...
  8. It`s so cold, I just got a $5 foot long from subway, but by the time I got back to my car it was only 6 inches.
  9. I’m not high maintenance, but rather precious cargo with lavish instruction for upkeep.
  10. Cop: Are you on drugs? Me: Why would I sit on drugs? Cop: Have you taken any? Me: Taken them where? Cop: I meant used drugs Me: I prefer new
  11. I tell my kids that the Titanic sunk because Jack and Rose had sex before marriage
  12. Lord please give me the strength not to go all Dexter on this mother f%#*er ... Amen
  13. She calls it cuddling. I call it strategic body placement for the war of the covers that is about to take place.
  14. When I am working, I get paid to be nice. I don`t understand why my friends and family expect me to do it for free during my time off.