Saturday July 27, 2024

Daily Silly Status is your home to over 25,000 silly facebook statuses!

Daily Silly Status has scoured the internet for the most witty statuses, silly statuses and down right funny statuses. We are pleased to now share our findings with you our Daily Silly Status readers. Enjoy our growing collection of over 25,000 silly statuses and share them with your friends and family and help bring a smile, chuckle or laugh others. Remember to check in for daily updates.

  1. I`ll be taking my time and yours,, thank you....... -- all 80 yr. old drivers
  2. The realization you`ve spoken too loudly when you exclaimed: " My Salad had NUTS!"
  3. “Have you tried just drinking ALOT of vodka?”- me as a therapist
  4. I can`t face my checkbook so I check my Facebook.
  5. I`ll never become mature enough to not laugh out loud when the person in the stall next to me farts so loud it sounds like a volcano just erupted.
  6. “Hi I’m an evil ghost with the ability to defy time & space, but I think the best example of my powers will be to slightly close this door.”
  7. October is breast awareness month for women, men are usually aware of breasts all year round.
  8. The only instant messaging I enjoy is with my middle finger.
  9. If a Police Officer says, Anything you say will be taken down & used as evidence... Your answer should always be, Please don`t hit me again officer...
  10. Ghetto wet floor sign: Caution Bitches Be Trippin
  11. I`m back in the HR office today. In my defense my coworker very plainly said "stick a fork in me, I`m done"
  12. I eat my Chinese food just like any other American, with chopsticks, one grain of rice at a time.
  13. Some girls post the most depressing love sh!t that even I`m starting to miss their ex!!!
  14. If ghosts existed, why are they all apparently from the last 100 years or so? Wouldn’t there be evidence of a Neanderthal ghost here and there?