Friday March 07, 2025

Daily Silly Status is your home to over 25,000 silly facebook statuses!

Daily Silly Status has scoured the internet for the most witty statuses, silly statuses and down right funny statuses. We are pleased to now share our findings with you our Daily Silly Status readers. Enjoy our growing collection of over 25,000 silly statuses and share them with your friends and family and help bring a smile, chuckle or laugh others. Remember to check in for daily updates.

  1. My TV volume is always set at "f*ck the neighbors".
  2. Anything worth taking seriously is worth making fun of.
  3. Easy way to kill me: Dangle a spider from my rearview mirror while I`m driving.
  4. Woke up this morning, looked in the mirror & said out loud, "You gotta bring it today!" ... So I packed a lunch and went to work.
  5. OMG! A CUSTOMER ALMOST DIED IN FRONT OF ME TODAY!! But then I counted to 10 and put the scissors back in the drawer. She never even knew.
  6. If you are stalking me, please keep up, I have a lot of errands today.
  7. Joggers always give each other a little nod when they pass, just like fat guys in a buffet line.
  8. You can make up any word you want in conversation and if you use it in a dilsationary way, people rarely question the meaning.
  9. Today my role will be played by an overworked, under caffeinated, sarcastic, unstable, asshole. Consider this my disclaimer for the day.
  10. Over the weekend I pulled a muscle getting off the couch to fetch more Doritos.
  11. Being fat = Lowers your chance of getting kidnapped.
  12. Before having a kid the most important thing to ask yourself is “Am I ready to watch the exact same cartoon on repeat for the next 4 years?”
  13. The original creator of the phrase “common sense” surely didn’t know many people.
  14. I’m bored, think I’ll go to the mall, find a great parking spot, sit in my car with my reverse lights on for awhile.